The University of Victoria Satellite Project: development of a quantum drive system for an unmanned inter-stellar space craft capable of travel at near light speed
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Confirmation of the basic principal underlying the Hypothesis: Diamagnetic Satellite Photon Excited Linear Quantum Drive January 2024

Hypothesis: Diamagnetic Satellite Photon Excited Linear Quantum Drive
The basic concept is centered around the use of UV light being injected into a series of diamagnetic crystals that have been doped into fluorescence in a progressive linear sequence. As the UV light excites the crystal, moving electrons to

ECOSat Project
Diamagnetic satellite ready for launch 2015. Project Code Name Squirrel! ECOSat Diamagnetic Payload Experiments WHO’S INVOLVED: This project began as an entry for the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge (CSDC). CSDC strives to inspire students to pursue science and
AGO Fuel Cells and the parent company A.G.O. Environmental Electronics Ltd are conducting privately-funded experimental research projects into applications for hydrogen fuel cells. Many of the projects are simply feasibility studies while others may lead to commercial development.